All Orders - "Satisfaction Guaranteed."
Aloe Distributors has been in busines since 1987 and stands behind all of our products 100%.
Yahoo has a SECURE Online Ordering System, but if you want to talk to a live person, just give us a call and place your order, daily ( Mon thru Sat.) from 8am cst to 6pm cst. 1-800-925-2563.
All Major Credit Cards Accepted.
To order by check or money order, send payment to "Wholeaf Aloe Distr." P.O. Box 221, St. John, In. 46373.
For Case Orders Items are packed:
Aloe Concentrate 32oz (12 = Case).
Aloe Topicals(Shampoo, etc) (12 = Case).
Case orders of Topicals (Shampoo, etc., please call for discount price per case order.
Aloe Distributors brings to you: Service & Quality at Low Prices.
Sales Tax is only applied to Indiana Residents, 8% (Lotions Only).
Shipping Charges (10% off on Aloe Vera" orders over $230.00 Per box--USA only) .Before your order or orders is shipped and billed, we will correct your shipping charge to 10% off normal shipping charge per box.
All Orders. Flat rate price, order 1 bottle or a case. (shipping price is determine by zip code & weight)
All USA orders shipped UPS Ground Residential.
Aloe Distributors - Wholeaf
P.O. Box 221
St. John, In. 46373
1-800-925-ALOE (2563)
rcaloe@comcast.netAll of our Products are made in the USA and our Aloe Products are formulated with 100% Whole Leaf Aloe Concentrate.